The National SEED Project (Seeking Educational Equity and Diversity)SM partners with schools, organizations, and communities to develop leaders who guide their peers in conversational communities to drive personal, organizational, and societal change toward social justice.
Participants first attend SEED New Leaders Week, where they will experience our immersive and intensive methods and pedagogy. We then continue to support the new SEED leaders across the year as they develop their own seminar series for colleagues at their schools, organizations, workplaces, or communities.
SEED leaders design their SEED seminars with the flexibility to adapt them to their own local needs. They include personal reflection and testimony, listening to others’ voices, and learning experientially and collectively, in the context of each participant’s intersecting identities. Through this methodology, SEED equips participants to connect our lives to one another and to society at large by acknowledging systems of power, oppression, and privilege.
More than 2,900 educators, parents, and community leaders from 42 U.S. states and the District of Columbia, plus 15 other countries, have been trained as SEED leaders by the National SEED Project and its Minnesota and New Jersey branches.