Individual Donations

Through your generosity, SpeakUp! is making a difference in the lives of nearly 3,000 youth, parenting adults and school adults each year. Your gift will help propel our vision of creating a culture of positive communication in our homes and schools – so that anyone, anywhere can SpeakUp! and be heard. Thank you!

Other Ways to Give

By Donor-Advised Fund

By Check

Please mail to:
80 W Lancaster Ave, Suite 220
Devon, PA 19333

By Phone

To make a donation by phone or to discuss alternative giving options (such as Company Match, Educational Improvement Tax Credits (EITC), or Planned Giving), please call Kim Bullock at 610.519.9600 ext. 105

United Way

Designate your gift to SpeakUp!, specify the designation code # 6357 in Pennsylvania and # 4934 in Delaware.