• As part of evaluating SpeakUp!’s impact, it is important for us to administer this Leadership Team survey in a way that links an individual’s pre- and post- surveys while protecting your confidentiality. Therefore, we ask that you provide us with your school initials and last 4 digits of your cell phone on both surveys. For example: GVHS1234
  • Not at allA little bitSomewhatQuite a bitVery Much
    I have the same feelings and experiences as others.
    I have one or more adults I can talk to about challenges I experience.
    I feel comfortable talking to my parent/guardian about challenges I experience.
    I feel comfortable talking to a friend about challenges I experience.
    I feel comfortable talking to an adult at school about challenges I experience.
    If I have a problem, I feel comfortable talking to a professional (Family Doctor, Counselor, Psychologist) about it.