lives, one
at a time.

Young people are remarkable.  

Still, it’s hard to be a young person right now, navigating the realities of stress, relationships, anxiety, depression, drugs and alcohol, social media, and more. These challenges also make it difficult for parenting adults to provide the support young people need, both at home and in school.

Since it’s not always easy to recognize when young people are struggling, we rely on them to tell us so we can offer the right kind of help. SpeakUp! makes that possible by creating a safe space where young people can openly and honestly discuss important topics without fear of judgment with supportive adults who are ready to listen.

SpeakUp! Spotlight

Our Approach.

Our unique model brings youth, parenting adults, and school adults TOGETHER to talk openly about topics young people want to discuss such as stress, relationships, mental health, drugs and alcohol, suicide, social media and more.

SpeakUp! partners with middle and high schools in the Greater Philadelphia Region and New Jersey to deliver our youth-driven, experiential program.

We provide young people and adults with the skills, opportunities and support to communicate about tough topics in ways that strengthen their relationships.

Our Impact.

Researchers at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia Center for Parent and Teen Communication and Penn Graduate School of Education have confirmed the effectiveness of SpeakUp!.

According to SpeakUp! post-event survey* data:

94% gained an understanding of the perspectives of others
88% realize that they have similar feelings and experiences as others
80% are willing to ask for help
87% said that they will use what they learned to build stronger relationships
90% of adults feel better equipped with knowledge and skills to talk to their teen about tough topics or problems