notMYkid is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that provides children and families with truly lifesaving programs, support, resources, and education. Their mission for the past two decades has been to empower and educate youth, families, and communities with the knowledge and courage to identify and prevent negative youth behavior. Our impact is far-reaching. To date, they have served over 2 million individuals and aim to reach 75,000 annually through our statewide and national programs.

Recognizing that the challenges our youth face today are complex and can potentially devastate and derail futures, notMYkid passionately works to educate and protect our community’s kids by providing a full continuum of life-saving prevention, early intervention, behavioral health treatment, and peer support. Their team of prevention and behavioral health experts are dedicated to helping youth overcome challenges during their most vulnerable years.

Their array of programs and trainings focus on substance use, vaping, bullying, relationships, trauma, body image, depression/self-injury/suicide, and internet safety for youth, adults and the community at-large. They strive to realize the following outcomes through our trauma-informed programming: Build knowledge and social/emotional competencies to enhance resiliency, confidence, and character; and educate youth and adults on where to go and how to ask for help if they or someone they know is struggling with a mental or behavioral health issue.